Kanix Infotech Private Limited

India's First Construction ERP Software

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전화번호 +91-20-4150 4000
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회사 정보

주요 취급 제품 Highrise ERP - Construction Management Software
회사 위치 Yashashri Apartments, Lane No. 3, Bhandarkar Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune - 411004
회사 소개

Kanix is a fast growing software product development and marketing company with focus on Construction Industry Vertical. Kanix's product line for construction business successfully integrates high-end e-commerce and ERP for large, mid- sized and small businesses. Thousands of Construction Houses worldwide are adding value to their businesses using the state- of-art software products of Kanix. Kanix possesses a very strong domain knowledge in Construction Industry and is pioneer in Business-Process-Reengineering (BPR) and Management Consultancy.

Kanix has invested Twenty Five long years in developing the methods & processes for effective management in the Construction Industry. These methods & processes are converted into an effective automated management tool. ‘Highrise’ is an Enterprise Resource Planning Software specialized for Construction Industry Vertical.

Kanix also has an arm of management training for construction & real estate businesses. The training arm of Kanix helps construction businesses in make a successful transit to become a system and process driven corporate in addition to making available trained manpower for its products.

직원수 100명
웹사이트 https://www.kanix.com/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/people/Highrise-Construction-ERP-Software/100063952631427/